Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Ok so your on your diet and doing a great job, but it's about day 5 and your seriously thinking about PIZZA, BURGERS, ICE CREAM, and every other favorite junk food on the planet. Hell even the ones you really don't like. Don't panic this is very natural. Most of us are carb sensitive. Which means our bodies hold onto all the breads and sweets and stores it for later. You know that bloated feeling you get, and the size of your stomach seems to grow with just one slice of pizza. Yeah that!!! Your probably thinking forget this it's too hard. Don't quit!!!!!
Alright take a deep breath and just relax. You have a goal. For me it was NOT looking like one of those FAT OLD LADIES. You know the one I mean, she wears a moo moo cause nothing else fits and the fat apron is hanging too low. That's my fear!!! So have a treat. I don't mean an entire box of double stuffed oreo's. Have 2 cookies.
I find if I mix it up with my meals, it's not so hard. Try to find some healthy snacks that are naturally sweet. Have an apple, snack on some peanut butter and celery. I personally enjoy chocolate rice cakes with peanut butter. 2 is all you need!
It takes 21 days for your body to adjust to a new way of eating. Don't get discouraged! Keep in mind that your supposed to be having 5 to 6 small meals a day. I totally get the whole I NEED something. I generally like to have my fruit for my mid morning and my rice cakes and PB for my afternoon snack. It really does help with the cravings. If that's not working have an 8 ounce glass of water. Your stomach will think it's getting something. Everyone is different this is alot of trial and error.
Ok so your on the right track again. Allow yourself 1 cheat meal. (NOT A CHEAT DAY) Eat whatever you want. Don't be surprised if after eating so clean and healthy that your cheat meal isn't as good as you remembered it.
If you fall off the dieting wagon don't beat yourself up about it. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Alot of people think if you cheat you have to start over from scratch. Give me a break! It didn't take you 10 minutes to put that weight on. It took years.... So just pick up where you left off. IT"S OK!!!!
Here are a couple of dishes I used to keep me going....

1) chicken burgers w/spicy mustard, side salad and brown rice
2) grilled chicken w/mango, peach salsa, sweet potato w/i cant believe it's not butter and cinnamon (no brown sugar) and some broccoli Floretts
3) Spaghetti w/whole wheat pasta ( I prefer homemade,stay away from high sodium)
a nice side salad and if need be 1 slice of whole wheat bread
4) Grilled Chicken Salad (yummy) lots of Romain lettuce, arugula, and baby spinach.
Carrots, green peppers, mushrooms and cucumber. Sliced grilled chicken. Top with
raspberry walnut salad spritzer.
These are just a couple of my favorites. As you can see lots of chicken!!!! Don't knock it I ate alot of plain boiled chicken, it's easier if you try to spice some things up. Pick what you like and create your own favorite meals.
Remember your NOT on a DIET! This is a lifestyle change. The minute we say diet our brains automatically reject the thought. That's instant failure. Your reinventing yourself, creating a better, stronger and healthier you. So if you GOT to cheat go ahead, don't beat yourself up, just move on!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Fat Loss Tail

Hello my name is Ronda Knight, and I would like to take a minute to tell you about myself and my never ending weight loss journey. As a child I was always a little bit chubby, not fat just a little bigger than most kids. As I got older I got heavier. Bad eating habits, no exercise, and maybe a little too much booze.
At one point I weighed in at a whopping 272lbs. Now being only 5 ft. tall this was not a good look.Whenever I got in the car it was Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's, Dairy Queen and 31 flavors. Let me just say there are more than 31 flavors. LOL I looked and felt horrible. I had no energy and no desire to do anything.
So now was the time to make a change. I tried every conceivable diet on the planet, from weight watchers to Slim Fast and even the Adkins diet. I even did the grapefruit diet. I even starved myself. Well here's the problem with those programs. They work only temporarily, then the weight comes back 10 fold.
A year ago I turned 40 and weighed 215 lbs. My husband, who is a personal trainer, decided to compete in a body building show, and I was mortified at a picture of the two of us together. HOLY CRAP!!! Who is the fat chick. I deceived myself in thinking I looked good. NOT SO MUCH!!! Anyways I decided to do something about this. I worried about what his friends thought, and him being embarrassed by me. He is totally blind when it comes to me. He loves me no matter what.
I decided to train and lose the weight so I could compete. I am currently down 70 lbs. I went crazy, I did everything I could from weighing out everything I ate to counting calories. It was obsessive! Every trainer, nutritionist and weight loss expert all say this is what we need to do. It really works, if your trying to be a body builder. I did this in 6 months....
Now the average woman does not have time for all that. I found that some big,minor changes is all most people need. Make better food choices, get 20 mins. of cardio 3 to 4 days a week, and most importantly eat more often. 5 to 6 small meals a day. Breakfast should consist of a clean carb. and a protein. (1/2 whole wheat bagel w/peanut butter and 2 hard boiled eggs). Then have an Adkins Advantage bar (low carbs and tastes great. Works with gycemic index) for mid am snack. A nice chicken salad for lunch, then maybe a piece of fruit for your mid afternoon snack. A well balanced dinner(carb,protein,green veggie). Then try a LOW sugar protein shake before bed. Also make sure you take a multi vitamin every day along with 1400mcg of chromium picolanate.
I found that this works really well. I've slowed down on the diet and haven't gained any weight back. I still have about 15 lbs. to lose. This doesn't mean you cant have a cheat day every now and then( cause I sure do).
I found a book that basically outlines the diet plan that I've been on. I love it!!! It is so simple and straight forward. I found that most weight loss books out there are really depressing. Or at least they make me depressed. They make me feel like a failure, because their not realistic for the average person.
So get the jump start you need and lets get going!!!!
Good luck to all of you, I'm behind you all the way!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting it done...

OK.. this one is for the people that have been in the trenches for a little while..Now i know this is for beginners but lets take a page out of someone else's book and learn from them..ok..No one is gonna cook all your food for you..No one is gonna get out of bed and carry your ass to the gym for you..No one is gonna remind you to eat your meals when your supposed to,for you.. So to put it in other words ..most of what we are trying to do here is all gonna be on you !!! So..Having a workout buddy and all that is great (if they stick it out)..I guess what im trying to say today is...true motivation comes from within yourself...Dont let someone else dictate how and when your gonna eat and train...if your still not sure what the hell your doin' go on hire a trainer..learn as much as you can ..even then your still going to have to motivate your own ass to get to the gym and everything that goes along with it !!!..So good luck and keep up the good work... And remember Knowledge is Power Even in the Gym.. http://www.fasttracktofatloss1.com

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ok..so yesterday i went on and on about ..vitimans.. Depending on your goals these are as important as anything else you do or use. i cannot however tell you whitch ones are the best or the worst. Thats all up to you.. i can tell you this , No matter what you buy..you get what you pay for, so keep that in mind,,i personally use what are called animal paks..they have been around for a long time and are very well known..but its alot of pills to swallow everyday. There are some wonderful powdered ones out there that are just as good and require alot less digestion..the absorbtion is amazing and i have even concideied switching...not a chance.. i likes what i likes..but thats just me...in the end your gonna need some and thats the bottom line...(Steve Austin)..so go out pick up some vitimans and keep up the good work..remember knowledge is power even in the gym... http://www.fasttracktofatloss1.com

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

in a word...VITIMANS...

Ok so i know i said i was gonna talk about motivation but i changed my mind. I want to talk a little about vitimans..Now i dont know what youv'e heard from your family , or your friends but here's the truth...Everyone has some vitiman suppliment they think is better than the next persons..The truth is YOU need to learn to read the LABELS....some are for younger people and some for older..thing is they all basiclly have the same ingredents in them just in diffirent amounts...find one that you can afford , and makes you feel great thats whats really important...then do some research on what you need to accomplish your training goals,, and adjust accordingly...good luck and remember..Knowledge is power even in the gym.. http://www.fasttracktofatloss1.com

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Getting back on track...

Ok , the holiday is over and we all feel guilty about all the food we ate (me too). It's gonna be fine , because.... we are all going to get back on our diets and get back to the gym.. All any of us can do is get remotivated and use the guilt we feel to do so.. Once you get started again it will come back with no problem..Sometimes we need to take a break and start over ,, this is actully good for you it gives your body a chance to recover and lets you relax a little...Now that it's time to get moving again pick up where you left off and keep it going..Do a little extra carido and push yourself extra hard,,restart your diet and all will be well. Tommrrow im going to get into how to keep yourself motivated when the going gets rough..or..you seem to think that your going nowhere..good luck and keep up the good work !! http://www.fasttracktofatloss1.com